Wisconsin Forest Tales - Readers Theater Scripts

Author Julia Pferdehirt wrote these Readers Theater scripts as a way to introduce each chapter of the Wisconsin Forest Tales book and give students an opportunity to read aloud with classmates. Two are written with character roles. The rest do not have specific parts to be assigned; instead, students take turns reading at each asterisk (*). Click on the titles below to access the scripts.

A Sweet Story and a Gift Forever

The origin of maple sugar is part of the Menominee storytelling tradition.

(To be used with Chapter 1: Saenomehsaeh Finds A Way)

Lumberjacks and Logging

Many colorful stories come from the era of lumberjacks in the 1800s.

(To be used with Chapter 2: Roll Out Or Roll Up)

Fire in Peshtigo

The Peshtigo Fire of 1871 was the most disastrous in history.

(To be used with Chapter 3: Calling Papa Home)

Forests to Farms and Back Again

Wisconsin's history is closely linked to forests.

(To be used with Chapter 4: Dreaming Of Wisconsin)

Mr. Roosevelt’s Tree Army

President Roosevelt's "tree army" helped control wild fires and replant forests.

(To be used with Chapter 5: Writing Home)

Eaten Any Wood Today?

People use wood every day in thousands of ways - some obvious and others generally unknown.

(To be used with Chapter 6: Timber-R-R Thieves)

Help! We’ve Been Invaded by Aliens

Exotic species invading our resources pose grave challenges for our forests.

(To be used with Chapter 7: The Elm Street Club House)

Wisconsin School Forests

School forests have been a valuable educational tool for over 75 years.

(To be used with Chapter 8: Grandma's Walk)