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Wildfire Management

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Today's fire danger rating!

Click here to find out today's fire danger rating!


Are you a major wildland fire stakeholder in your community? Would you like more information on how to assist your community in becoming more ‘Firewise?’ Come out to Miller Park on July 26th for a brief seminar on how you can get your community more involved in the Firewise Wisconsin program!

"Mr. Baseball" talks about Wisconsin Forests

Listen to Bob Uecker aka "Mr. Baseball" talk about how you can be prevent wildfires!

  1. Campfire Safety
  2. Spring Clean-Up

Interesting Facts about Wildfire Suppression

  • Primary responsibility for suppression of wildland fires in Wisconsin is shared among state, local and federal government.
  • On lands primarily protected by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, approximately 1,500 fires burn over 5,000 acres annually. Over 90 percent of these fires are human-caused. These figures do not include areas of the state where the local fire department has primary responsibility for fire.
  • Many small fires are attacked and extinguished by local fire departments without Department of Natural Resources Division of Forestry involvement.
  • Larger fires often require coordination and cooperation among local and state forest fire fighting forces. In a combined effort, Division of Forestry fire fighters and equipment usually attack the main body of the fire while local fire departments concentrate on protecting structures in harm's way.
  • Wisconsin shares in the cost of wildland fire fighting equipment and training through the Forest Fire Protection Grant Program. In 2003, 268 organizations received $775,000 in grants for purchasing items needed to fight forest fires in the state.
  • Wildland fire fighting presents unusual challenges and is tough on equipment. The Division of Forestry maintains an equipment repair and fabrication facility in Tomahawk called the Neil H. LeMay Forestry Center. The center has designed several innovative features into standard caterpillar type tractors, heavy trucks and other pieces of heavy equipment for this specialized duty. The center also maintains specialized "muskeg" tractors for fighting fire in marshy areas.
  • Wisconsin also lends firefighting assistance to other states when requested and the loan of resources does not endanger our home forests. This same assistance is available to Wisconsin should the need arise. Assisting in out-state fire fighting efforts provides experience and training and keeps fire fighting staff at peak readiness. All costs of out state fire firefighting are paid for by the state requesting assistance.

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